Working With Us

What works for us.

Our code is simple.
We hold ourselves to a higher standard.
That’s just the way we do business.
And we do business with suppliers who operate the same way.
Because our stakeholders deserve nothing less.

We expect our suppliers to behave ethically and with integrity, maintain quality business processes, comply with all laws and regulations, and possess a strong management system that promotes business continuity and performance governance—or they won’t be doing business with us.

When appropriate, Acme-Hardesty may meet with suppliers to review the terms of our agreement and achieve improvement.

Quality is not an option

Or consistency. Our suppliers must meet product specifications and requirements defined by our written agreements. Goods and services must meet customer needs, perform as intended, and be safe for designated use.

Bio-based commitment

Suppliers of innovative and bio-based chemicals must work with Acme- Hardesty to serve the needs of sustainability-oriented customers.

Business ethics

Acme-Hardesty’s suppliers are expected to:

  • Behave ethically and maintain an environment of transparency collaboration, and innovation.
  • Maintain fair business practices by providing accurate and truthful advertising, fair competition, and antitrust. They must prohibit payment of bribes, illegal political contributions, and other illicit payments or methods for any reason, including the waiver of penalties, fines, or the receipt of any other special benefits
  • Suppliers must safeguard against improper use of intellectual property and the disclosure of confidential or sensitive information, pricing, or employee information

People first

Acme-Hardesty’s suppliers are expected to promote the safety, health, and well being of their employees. Suppliers must implement programs to prevent or control employee exposure to chemical, biological, and physical hazards. Suppliers are also expected to implement preventative safety measures and emergency procedures, while encouraging programs that positively impact employee health.

Requested documentation

To become an Acme-Hardesty supplier, start by supplying the documents on the list below.

Must include CAS#, Risk/Safety phrases, Regulatory information (TSCA), Transportation information*
Spec sheet*
Shelf-Life Statement *
Organization chart (positions)*
ISO Cert
Kosher Cert
Halal Cert
GMP Cert

*Required document

Reaching out

Are you pre-registered for REACH? Include pre-registration and/or registration number (If using an Only Representative, provide name and address. If exempt, provide statement on which Annex exempts the product)

Process Flowchart
Animal Testing Statement (include year last performed)
BSE/TSE Statement
Residual Solvent Statement (form attached for convenience, add your Company letterhead)
Pesticide statement (absence or presence, what pesticides were tested, method used, levels)
Member of Custom-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)